Contact: Marcus P. Meleton Jr
(949) 645-0139


7th Annual

February 5-11, 2001


Terminate your jerk relationship -- boyfriend or girlfriend -- before Valentine's Day. With Valentine's Day arriving February 14th and Spring-cleaning just around the corner, there's no time to waste. If you're in a loser relationship, Valentine's Day is the worst day of the year to remind yourself of the fact.

Women, why allow your Valentine's Day to be another mile marker on the road of a pathetic relationship? Whether he is a philanderer, unemployable, verbally abusive, inconsiderate, self-centered, a rude-and-crude brute with a police record, or a heavy drinker (if not all of the above), don't allow another day to pass degrading yourself with his presence. Men, is Valentine's Day a day when you lay gifts and offerings at the feet of an ungrateful woman? Do you live with the knowledge that another man, destined to destroy her life, could sweep her off her feet? It's time to redirect your investments to more worthwhile objectives. Whether it is a six-pack of beer or mud wrestling tickets, your Valentine's Day will be more fulfilling than if you sacrificed chocolate and precious metals at the feet of a false goddess. This day was created as a response to Marcus Meleton's book Nice Guys Don't Get Laid. Analyzing the high demand for Marlon Brando / James Dean-style disasters by women, Nice Guys Don't Get Laid instructs men on how to become a disaster for women to crave. Women responded to the author by asking what to do about their attachment to such jerks. "Nice" men, incapable of changing their ways, complained that they were continually locked in servant-queen relationships. This week was created for them. It's the week to break your jerk-a-holism and celebrate Valentines Day with the knowledge that you have conducted a successful a jerk-ectomy.

Contact Info:

P.O. Box 11300-W
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(949) 413-3052

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